Question: Who is Hamlet courting dating )?

Plot. The plot of the story is largely the same as Shakespeares Hamlet, but with a few twists in the tale. The story centres on Ophelia and her views on the activities taking place in Denmark and how they affect Hamlet. The author turns the story on its head by making Ophelia the heroine of the story.

What was Hamlet and Ophelia relationship?

Ophelia is Polonius daughter and Laertes sister. Hamlet has been in love with her for a while before the play starts and has given her several gifts during their courtship until her father warns her away from him and tells her not to see him anymore. During the play, he treats her very badly.

What does Hamlet say about love?

Hamlet responds by saying: “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum” (V.i.285-87). Hamlet has no reason to defend his love for Ophelia now that she is dead, but he still does.

Is Horatio loyal to Hamlet?

Hamlet has such confidence in Horatios friendship, that he confides in him his deepest secret: his plan to murder his uncle. Keeping this secret is a true testament, or proof, that Horatio is a loyal friend because Hamlets uncle is also the new king of Denmark, and keeping such a secret could get him killed.

Why does Hamlet hide his love for Ophelia?

This could be due to the fact that, once Ophelia received the letter, she gave it to her father. Hamlet did not trust Polonius, and from that moment on, Hamlet knew he had to hide his love for Ophelia and act mad to protect her.

What is the most important relationship in hamlets life?

The relationship that Hamlet has with his mother Gertrude has great significance in the overall the plot of the play. A core issue in the play is that Hamlet is very upset with the marriage of his mother with his uncle Claudius with only a few months after the death of his father Hamlet.

Why is Horatio so loyal?

Horatio is the only true friend that Hamlet has. This relates to the theme of friendship and loyalty because Horatio shows he is loyal to Hamlet by helping him with the plan and not reporting him. He takes on a lot of risk to help his friend Hamlet, proving that he is not loyal to Hamlet for selfish purposes.

Is Horatio loyal?

Hamlet has such confidence in Horatios friendship, that he confides in him his deepest secret: his plan to murder his uncle. Keeping this secret is a true testament, or proof, that Horatio is a loyal friend because Hamlets uncle is also the new king of Denmark, and keeping such a secret could get him killed.

Why is King Hamlet in purgatory?

When King Hamlet meets his son, he explains that he is trapped in purgatory because of the crimes he committed in life: I am thy fathers spirit,

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