Question: Who are the founders of Griswold cast iron?

Who invented the first cast iron?

China Cast iron was invented in China in the 5th century BC and poured into molds to make ploughshares and pots as well as weapons and pagodas. Although steel was more desirable, cast iron was cheaper and thus was more commonly used for implements in ancient China, while wrought iron or steel was used for weapons.

When did Wagner buy Griswold?

bought Wagner in Nov. 1952. McGraw Edison Inc. bought Griswold on March 29, 1957 and then sold it in December 1957 to Randall who already owned Wagner.

Why is cast iron preferred over steel?

However, cast iron has better compressive strength than mild steel. Due to this, it will have greater resistance against breaking under compression. This also makes it quite durable and ideal for rugged use.

Does cast iron break easily?

“Cast iron is durable, but not unbreakable. Like glass, the properties that make cast iron hard also make it brittle,” according to The Cast Iron Collector. Subjected to impact, it “will break before it bends.” Cast iron is brittle and cannot be worked, hot or cold.

Is cast iron more durable than steel?

This clearly shows that mild steel is a better option than cast iron when it comes to ultimate tensile strength. However, cast iron has better compressive strength than mild steel. Due to this, it will have greater resistance against breaking under compression. This also makes it quite durable and ideal for rugged use.

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