Question: Why you should marry a metalhead?

What makes you a true metalhead?

Always remember, as a true metalhead you should always respect others opinions (except non metal genres of course), even if they listen to false metal because its your duty as a true Metalhead to keep the community together. This is the most important bit if you want to be considered as a true metalhead.

Are metalheads calm?

Weve learned people who listen to metal are less likely to cheat on their significant other, metalheads are the most loyal music fans and that metal makes you happy. Now we have a study that metal also calms you down.

What are metalhead beliefs?

In the musical subcultures of heavy metal and punk, authenticity is a core value. The term poseur (or poser) is used to describe a person who habitually pretends to be something he/she is not, as in adopting the appearance and clothing style of the metal scene without truly understanding the culture and its music.

Do geniuses listen to metal?

People use this music to purge their negativity. Liking heavy metal music is a sign of high intelligence, research suggests. Some people may use heavy metal music as a way of coping with being talented.

Why do I love heavy metal so much?

They found that many heavy metal aficionados shared a particular pattern of personality traits. Enjoying heavy metal was also correlated with openness, possibly because people with more open personalities would be drawn to music that is “intense, engaging, and challenging,” as metal can be, the researchers write.

Why do men listen metal?

Listening to metal is an act of solidarity and helps boost self-esteem in a form of catharsis. While this research may not be representative of the whole metal community, it is an important step towards understanding the psychological appeal of metal and avoid stereotyping its listeners as angry or violent people.

How many metalheads are in the world?

I assume metalheads comprise one percent of the population, so I guess there are a couple million all around the world. I actually think this is a fair estimate .1.Megadeth Rust In Peace10.Death The Sound Of Perseverance8 more rows•Oct 31, 2013

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