Question: What is a good co-parenting schedule?

With that being said, most experts recommend a 50/50 schedule when possible, because it provides your child with substantial amounts of time with both parents. A 50/50 co-parenting plan also helps children feel like both parents care about them and really love them.

What is a typical joint custody schedule?

Common joint physical custody schedules Two weeks each schedule when the child lives with one parent for two weeks and the other parent the next two weeks. Every weekend schedule where the child lives with one parent during the week and the other parent for an extended weekend.

What does a 60/40 custody schedule look like?

Another 60/40 option is for one parent to have the child Wednesday afternoon to Saturday early afternoon and the other parent to have the child Saturday early afternoon to Wednesday afternoon. This means each parent has both week days and weekends to spend with the child.

What is the best co-parenting schedule for toddlers?

A 2-2-3 schedule can work well for a toddler if the parents live close to each other. Every extended weekend schedule or every weekend schedule where your toddler spends the week with one parent and weekend time with the other parent. You may want to include a midweek or overnight visit during the week.

How do I make a co parenting schedule?

The 2-2-3 schedule: Your child(ren) spend(s) 2 days with one parent, 2 days with the other parent and 3 days with the first parent. Then, the next week it switches. The alternating every 2 days schedule: Your child(ren) switch between the parents every 2 days.

How many nights a week is shared custody?

If shared care happens for an average of one night a week or more (at least 52 nights a year), this can affect the amount of child maintenance. The more nights that the child stays overnight with the paying parent the less child maintenance is due.

What age is best for week on week off custody?

The “week on – week off” schedule may be appropriate for parents who have any one or combination of the following:Older children (age 13 and up);Amicable relationship with their co-parent;Flexible work schedule;Live a reasonable distance from the childrens school.26 Feb 2013

How many overnights are in a year?

Instead, only Friday and Saturday nights from the every other weekend schedule count. Thus, take 52 overnights and divide by 365 days in the year.

How many nights a year is shared care?

52 nights If shared care happens for an average of one night a week or more (at least 52 nights a year), this can affect the amount of child maintenance. The more nights that the child stays overnight with the paying parent the less child maintenance is due.

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