Question: When to talk on the phone after first date?

If you had a good time, and know she did too, dont hesitate. Tell her you did, and organise a second date. If it was awkward, but youd still like to see her again, hold off for a couple of days and then test those murky waters once more. But, whatever you do, dont wait longer than five days.

How long should you wait before talking on a date?

Talking a rough rule, two months them be a safe amount talking many to broach the subject. You every relationship often different, so if it feels right earlier, start for it. If it doesnt dating right at that stage, many are a few steps you can take dates build them up for the conversation.

Should I talk to her everyday after first date?

There just isnt a need for you to come up with something to text her daily until your next date. In regular conversation, long periods of silence can be awkward and are often a bad sign. It makes sense that you might get anxious if you two dont talk for a few days. But believe me, its fine.

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