Question: Why is soft water not suitable for drinking?

In softened water, the sodium level increases. Sodium is not the same as salt (sodium chloride). The Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) says that water with a sodium content of up to 200ppm is safe to drink. Unless your water is very hard to start with, the softened version is unlikely to exceed this.

Can you drink softened water from the tap?

However, there has been no official verdict to state that drinking softened water is a problem and softened water is considered safe to drink. Areas with especially hard water will require more salt to soften the water, and therefore the softened water contains higher sodium levels.

Can soft water make you sick?

For most healthy adults, the amount of sodium added to tap water by softening is too small to be harmful or cause any health concern. Its safe to drink and doesnt change the way the water tastes.

What is the advantages and disadvantages of soft water?

Soft water allows soap and detergents to work as they should and is comfortable on some peoples skin. Hard water is resistant to soaps, detergent and can irritate or feel dry to some people, especially their skin. The soft water also allows laundered clothes to appear shiny as they should. It softens ones hair too.

Is softened water bad for dogs to drink?

The softening process slightly raises the sodium content of the water, but its still suitable for drinking. Softened water is safe for most pets – and people – to drink.

Is softened water safe for babies?

You can use softened water for baby feeds if the sodium concentration is below the 200 mg/l limit for sodium. In most cases, water softened by a Harvey water softener will have more than 200 mg/l of sodium.

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