Question: How to contact Badoo if you are not a registered user?

How can I recover my Badoo account?

Reactivate Badoo Account To restore your account, click the link sent to your email within 30 days of deleting your profile. If you wait longer than 30 days, then you cannot restore your profile as your personal information and account details will have been removed from the Badoo system.

Is it easy to cancel Badoo?

Open your profile. Click the Settings icon in the top right corner. Scroll down the the Payment Settings section. Click on Unsubscribe.

Can I get a refund from Badoo?

Badoo offers you the opportunity to pay for certain services offered on the site. Once you have paid for any premium services, you have the right to cancel and be reimbursed for all payments received within 14 days.

What happens when I hide my account on Badoo?

If you dont want to use your Badoo account for a while, you have the option to hide it. When your account is hidden, you will not appear in People Nearby or the Encounters game. Those who you have been in contact with before will still be able to see you in their inbox and can send you messages.

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