Question: What are some traditions in Brazil?

What are some Christmas traditions in Brazil?

Many Brazilian Christmas traditions come from Portugal as Portugal ruled Brazil for many years. Nativity Scenes, known as Presépio are very popular. They are set-up in churches and homes all through December. Christmas plays called Os Pastores (The Shepherds), like the plays in Mexico, are also popular.

What are some religious traditions in Brazil?

Brazil has many versions of Protestantism. These include neo-Pentecostals, old Pentecostals and Traditional Protestants (most of them Baptists, Presbyterians and Methodists) predominantly from Minas Gerais to the South.

What is the reason for Christmas in Brazil?

Like many other parts of the world, December 25 in Brazil means a time of family, religious reflection and, quite often, an excess of food and drink. Brazil celebrates Christmas in the middle of summer so the days are hot and sunny, giving the festivities a tropical mood. Here is how Brazilians celebrate Christmas.

How do they say Merry Christmas in Brazil?

1- Merry Christmas! Feliz Natal!

Dont leave Brazil without trying…Barbecued meat. Brazil and Argentina both claim to be South Americas barbecue champion. Moqueca (pronounced moo-kek-a) Cachaça. Brigadeiros. Pão de queijo. Quindim. Feijoada. Fried bar snacks.

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