Question: Is lying about your age a big deal?

Now new YouGov RealTime research reveals that lies about age are more likely than any other to alienate prospective partners. Six in ten Britons (61%) say it would bother them “a lot” or “a fair amount” if their date turned out to be a lot older than they had said.

What happens when you lie about your age?

When you lie to someone about something as fundamental as your age, it has a way of affecting the relationship negatively. So if you have lied to a guy or babe about your age because you thought it would increase your chances with them, one way to make things right is to come clean.

How do you confess your real age?

Start by saying something to show how much you love him, such as You are the kindest/most honest/most caring person I know, so I am sorry that I have lied to you. Apologize for being dishonest about your age and tell him how old you actually are.

How can you tell a guys age?

Here are 15 ways to find out how old your date really is without actually asking:Stalk him on social media. Social media is always a go-to. Ask mutual friends. Check LinkedIn. Google him. Search public records and data. Analyze his name. Bring up technology. Discuss school memories.More items •18 Nov 2016

Can you lie about age for a job?

Federal jobs involving law enforcement and air traffic control often specify a maximum entry age, generally 34-37 years. Applicants who lie about their age to qualify for these jobs could be prosecuted for making false or fraudulent statements and face a fine or imprisonment.

Does an employer have to know your age?

Federal law does not prohibit employers from asking employees or job applicants about their age, including in application materials and background checks. To avoid this, employers should keep personal information like age separate from interviewers, and should only ask for a persons date of birth for lawful purposes.

How can you tell how old someone is by their voice?

People are also surprisingly good at determining a speakers age just by hearing the persons voice. In a 2010 study detailed in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology, researchers asked 97 people to listen to 100 samples of speakers ages 2 through 67.

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