Question: How are military men different from other men?

Does the military change your personality?

Military service, even without combat, can change personality and make vets less agreeable, research suggests. Summary: The study confirms that the military attracts men who are generally less neurotic, less likely to worry, less likely to be concerned about seeking out novel experiences.

What makes military families unique?

Military families are made up of caring, fun-loving and dedicated husbands, wives, children and pets that are not that different from civilian families – they just work around a career that creates a different lifestyle.

How is military life different from civilian life?

Military life is like civilian life in many ways. For the most part, you work a regular job and have to keep your life, bills, housing, car and other things in order. On the other hand, the military lifestyle carries much more responsibility. There is always the threat of heading to a combat zone and risking your life.

Do military families move a lot?

Military families relocate 10 times more often than civilian families -- on average, every 2 or 3 years. Service members are more likely to be married at a younger age and have young children at home compared to their civilian counterparts.

Why do military families move a lot?

Why must military families move so often? We are told that military members need to move to develop their skills and complete different training requirements. The military wants troops to train in a range of skills.

Do you work 7 days a week in the military?

Being on active duty is similar to working a full-time job. In the Army, for instance, its active duty soldiers serve 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the length of their service commitment (thats not to say that each soldier works a 24-hour shift, just that there are always soldiers on duty).

Can a 45 year old join the military?

Can I join the Army at 45 years old? Unfortunately, no. Under Federal law, the oldest a recruit can be to enter any branch of the military is 42 years old.

How frequently do military families move?

Military families relocate 10 times more often than civilian families -- on average, every 2 or 3 years.

Can you live off military pay?

Can You Live Off Military Retirement Pay? The short answer is, yes, absolutely. But it takes a lot of planning to make this work.

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