Question: Why are the baby boomers important?

Baby boomer refers to a member of the demographically large generation born between the end of WWII and the mid-1960s. Because of their high numbers and the relative prosperity of the U.S. economy during their careers, the baby boomers are an economically influential generation.

What is the characteristics of the baby boomers?

Hard-working and focused: The baby boomer generation worked hard for their livelihood. They were born to realize the American dream, and they strived to reach it. It is the generation that witnessed the civil rights movement, womens empowerment, and the moon landing – tasks that required hard work and goal getters.

How did baby boomers affect the culture?

Boomers also influenced the economy as a core marketing demographic for products tied to their age group, from toys to records. Constituting as much as 40% of the American population, baby boomers have exerted a strong pull on American culture at large, particularly during the social movements of the 1960s.

What did baby boomers grow up with?

Boomers born in the 50s grew up with the Beatles, Dylan and the Stones, and protested the Vietnam War in college. The 60s Boomers caught the tail end of Vietnam, Watergate and Richard Nixons resignation and Disco.

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