Question: What is on the 2021 bucket list?

What is the next thing on your bucket list?

101 Things To Do Before You DieTravel all around the world. Learn a new language. Try a profession in a different field. Achieve your ideal weight. Run a marathon. Take part in a triathlon. Take up a new sport. Go scuba diving / snorkeling and experience marine life up close.More items

What are the best things to do in 2021?

Here are 21 things to do in 2021 to make it the best year yet:Wake up naturally. You might think of it as a strange suggestion. Begin every morning with a smile. Exercise daily. Sing in the shower. Practice meditation. Eat breakfast. Get into the habit of reading. Focus on one task.More items •Dec 15, 2020

What should I do at home in 2021?

Cook Together.Karaoke Night.Have a BBQ.Start a Garden.Read a Book.Play a Board Game.Make Homemade Greeting Cards.Role Play.More items •6 Apr 2020

How many people finish their bucket list?

A recent Stanford University School of Medicine survey of 3,056 people found that 91% of them had a bucket list — things they want to do before they die.

What should I do with my friends at home 2021?

Cook Together.Karaoke Night.Have a BBQ.Start a Garden.Read a Book.Play a Board Game.Make Homemade Greeting Cards.Role Play.More items •18 Feb 2021

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