Question: How can I be a happy stoner?

Whats a good job for a stoner?

The Five Perfect Stoner JobsBudtender.Dispensary/Coffeeshop Owner. Freelancer (Self-Employment) Wake up at noon. Musician. Music and marijuana are a match made in heaven. Pizza Delivery Driver. Not only is pizza awesome, its easily one of the most well-known stoner jobs out there. 22 Sep 2015

What makes a stoner?

Slang. a person who is habitually high on drugs, especially marijuana, or alcohol; a person who is usually stoned. a person who pelts or assails with stones: stoners of Paul the Apostle. Chiefly British.

What jobs do not do drug tests?

Even for jobs that dont drug test prior to hiring, one may be needed if theres an accident.Google. While its notoriously difficult to get hired on at the tech giant, Google does not drug test its employees. Chipotle. Apple. Starbucks. Microsoft. Whole Foods. Michaels. Petsmart.More items

What does a stoner girl wear?

Throw on a slip dress, add an oversize hoodie, swap out the house slippers for some sneakers, and then you have put together an ideal stoner girl fit. If you already have the sweatpants on, then pair the sweats with a baby tee and keep those slippers on, girl—or skip the pants completely and wear a flannel as a dress.

Can you fight a positive drug test?

The best way to contest false-positive results is to reach out to your pharmacist and ask if prescription drugs and OTC medications you take on a regular basis can cause a positive drug test result. Ask if the pharmacist can provide written documentation to this effect and bring a copy to the test site.

How do stoners dress?

Many stoners choose to go with a classic white t-shirt and still others go for the gusto and wear a tie-die t-shirt. Whatever t-shirt you choose to go with never tuck it in and top it off with a long sleeved flannel shirt.

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