Question: Can you fall in love with a psychopath?

While loving a psychopath may seem like a potentially risky prospect for the partner in question, its certainly easy to be seduced by one. Studies have shown that men who exhibit mild narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy—the “dark triad” of personality traits—are deemed more attractive by women.

How do you tell if youre in love with a psychopath?

Here are six indicators that you may be dating a psychopath, or someone with ASPD.They are harmful to others without remorse — whether it be financially, emotionally, or physically. You feel almost too similar to your partner. They dont seem to have many, if any, friends of their own.More items •24 Jun 2020

Can a psychopath care about someone?

“In other words, psychopaths, Machiavellians, and narcissists in the common population (i.e. non-clinical) dont care much about other peoples feelings, but still have the ability to empathize.”

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