Question: What is special about Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan is the worlds largest landlocked country, at 2,724,900 km2, larger than all of Western Europe. It borders five countries – Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. 4. It has been ruled by the same president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, since it claimed independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.

What is Kazakhstan well known for?

Unsurprisingly, Kazakhstan is associated with oil and the black gold takes the number one spot in the list. Kazakhstan produces approximately 81 million tons of oil per year. The runner-up in the top ten of Kazakhstani brands is Baikonur, the first and the largest space launch complex in the world.

Why do people go to Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan is a perfect destination for adventurers! Go on a road trip, explore the unspoiled nature, climb mountains and swim in lakes. Explore underground mosques and incredible mausoleums. Learn about the yurt-living nomads in the steppe or go skiing in the mountains.

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