Question: How does an INFJ flirt?

INFJs are funny and often more charming than even they realize, and so when they are relaxed they can flirt by making jokes and using their wit to appeal to someone. They might be afraid to really flirt at first and so it can take time for them to reach this point.

How do you tell if an Infj likes you?

INFJs tend to be guarded about their physical space, except for when it comes to family and VERY close friends. If theyre finding excuses to touch your hand, bump up against you, or hug you, then it probably means they have feelings for you. Keep in mind, some INFJs will still feel too shy to get very close to you.

What is Infj attracted to?

As sensitive personalities, INFJs feel attracted to people who show kindness towards others. Extraverted Feeling is their auxiliary function, which means INFJs try to connect in a gentle way, and appreciate those who can do the same. Most INFJs also strive to make a positive impact on the world.

How do Infj guys flirt?

So even though this does not sound like flirting, it is exactly what will work on INFJ males and females alike.Be honest. Of course we all know that honesty is the best policy. Tell them a story. Be an attentive listener. Show them your sense of humor. Show them that you arent afraid to be vulnerable.12 Dec 2020

How do INFJs show affection?

INFJ. INFJs show a strong preference for quality time as their love language, followed closely by words of affirmation and physical touch. As a type with extroverted feeling, the INFJ is also particularly receptive to verbal and physical displays of affection. To love an INFJ, set aside time to get to know them!

Are INFJ rude?

INFJs dont like confrontation and many of them will put up with a lot of irritating behavior from someone else before theyll risk addressing it. But if someone is being rude to other people by talking over them, thats sure to irritate an INFJ.

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