Question: Can two brothers get married?

Is it OK to marry your brother?

No person shall marry his or her sibling, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, stepparent, grandparents spouse, spouses child, spouses grandchild, siblings child or parents sibling. Consensual incest between people 16 years old or more is not a criminal offense.

Can children of two brothers marry?

Parallel cousin marriage is a less prevalent institution, but does occur in some societies. In this situation the children of two same sex siblings marry. Patrilateral parallel cousin marriage, the marriage of brothers children is the standard pattern.

Can I marry my dads brother son?

See as per Hindu law you can marry someone who is beyond five generations from your fathers side and beyond three generations from your mothers side. As the relation you are mentioning is within the prohibited degree of relationship for marriage, you cannot marry her as you both are sapindas of each other.

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