Question: What does dating mean for a Christian?

Our ultimate purpose is “to glorify God and to enjoy him forever,” and every part of our lives is eligible for striving toward this end (Colossians 3:17). Since “dating” as a principle is neither right nor wrong, we can choose to use dating as a way to magnify Gods glory or as a way to reject His commands.

Is it bad to kiss before marriage?

Kissing Before Marriage Can Lead to Temptation When the Bible says, “flee fornication” we should listen and take heed. God also tells us to “Flee youthful lusts.” Thats a good one to think about too! Choosing to engage in kissing is not fleeing or running away — its inching closer and closer to the boundary line.

Is it OK for Catholics to kiss before marriage?

Kisses and touches performed for sensual and lustful motives are condemned as mortal sins by the Catholic Church for married and unmarried people alike Lustful kisses and touches between spouses are definitely mortal sins Lustful kisses and touches are mortal sins against the Natural Law Marriage is an up-front

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