Question: Do Gemini and Scorpio make a good couple?

While it can be difficult to keep a Geminis attention, Scorpios can do it with ease. Overall, a Gemini and a Scorpio may make for a fun, exciting match but they might have too many differences for a serious, long-term relationship.

Can a Gemini woman date a Scorpio man?

The most important aspect for both this love match is to be loyal, trust one another and understand each other. They should not give up and continue to fight with the downs that they may face. If they apprehend well with one another, the Scorpio male Gemini female compatibility will promisingly blossom.

How is the match of Gemini and Scorpio?

Gemini and Scorpio bring together the changeable nature of the Twins with the still waters run deep type with the Scorpion. They are incompatible elements (air and water), and this can affect their emotional make-up. And take note -- these signs are quincunx to each other (150 degrees).

Should a Scorpio date a Gemini?

Overall, Gemini and Scorpio are considered to be incompatible zodiac matches. Although its a fun and sexy match initially, a lot of work needs to be done to have a harmonious relationship. If they want to make it work, Gemini has to show Scorpio that they wont abandon them.”

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