Question: Is it bad to date someone with a promiscuous past?

What is considered sexually promiscuous?

Promiscuity is the practice of engaging in sexual activity frequently with different partners or being indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. The term can carry a moral judgment if the social ideal for sexual activity is monogamous relationships. Promiscuity is common in many animal species.

How do I deal with my partners past?

Dealing with Jealousy About Your Partners PastAccept it.Swap places.Dont snoop.Talk it out.Accept their answers.Pinpoint the issue.Know your worth.Reframe things.More items •12 Dec 2019

Does promiscuity cause depression?

While some studies claim that the number of sexual partners is directly correlated with mental health disorders, others find that promiscuity only results in substance use with no effect on depression or anxiety.

Can you get an STD from multiple clean partners?

If 2 people who dont have any STDs have sex, its not possible for either of them to get one. A couple cant create an STD from nothing — they have to get spread from one person to another.

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