Question: What do cultural archaeologists do?

Archaeology is primarily concerned with reconstructing extinct cultures from the material remains of past human behavior, or the things people made or used and left behind. Archaeologists look for patterns in the artifacts they study that give them clues about how the people who made and used them lived.

What activities do archaeologists do?

DO: Archaeologists are specialists, they are trained experts in the treatment and handling of archaeological materials in their particular field. They take great care in excavating, mapping, drawing, photographing, and documenting in writing all aspects of their excavations.

What is a culture what is an archeologist?

An archaeological culture is a recurring assemblage of types of artifacts, buildings and monuments from a specific period and region that may constitute the material culture remains of a particular past human society.

Why do archaeologists study culture?

Archaeology is the study of past cultures. Archaeologists are interested in how people of the past lived, worked, traded with others, moved across the landscape, and what they believed. Understanding the past may help us better understand our own society and that of other cultures.

Why is culture important in Archaeology?

Our past is our cultural heritage, and how we choose to use this information for future generations is an important role for archaeologists. Understanding patterns and changes in human behavior enhances our knowledge of the past. It aids us in planning, not only our future, but for generations to come.

What is an example of cultural history?

There are also many examples of histories of cultural developments like music, art, literature, and ideas, that could be counted as cultural history defined broadly. For instance, Jacob Burckhardts Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860) is often considered a founding work of modern art history.

What are the three goals of archaeology?

The goals of archaeology are to document and explain the origins and development of human culture, understand culture history, chronicle cultural evolution, and study human behavior and ecology, for both prehistoric and historic societies.

Why is culture important in history?

Cultural history brings to life a past time and place. In this search, cultural historians study beliefs and ideas, much as intellectual historians do. It is also invaluable for rethinking our own historical moment.

How does history affect the culture?

History influences culture through the concepts of tradition and heritage. It is part of the human condition to want to know where one originates and

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