Question: How does Coffee Meets Bagel make money?

Financials and Venture Capital Coffee Meets Bagel currently employs 67 individuals and garners roughly 180 thousand unique website visits per month. As of late 2018, the company generates over $900,000 in in-app revenues every month and earned over $25 million in gross revenue that year.

What is the technology behind Coffee Meets Bagel?

Coffee Meets Bagels product is a mobile-first and mobile-only platform that runs primarily on Amazon Web Services. The company also uses Google Cloud Platform, but its mostly an AWS shop, Wagner said.

What happens if you block a bagel?

If you block or unmatch, you wont be able to view their profile again.

Can I block people on Coffee Meets Bagel?

Alternatively, you can unmatch or block a bagel, via your chatroom by selecting the 3 dots in the upper right corner. If you block or unmatch, you wont be able to view their profile again.

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Jaylinn Cataloni
+57 373 716 385
Mon - Fri, 7:00-23:00

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