Question: How does astrology determine compatibility?

To determine compatibility, the characteristics attributed to the rising sign, sun, moon, and planets thought to be most significant at the time of each persons birth are then compared with the findings on the other person.

What planet determines your compatibility?

Venus Planets and Luminaries Venus rules the love nature and determines what type of partner a person is attracted to. The sex drive is represented by Mars, making this planet extremely influential when determining sexual compatibility.

What Venus signs are compatible?

You want someone strong and committed, but also someone who can pay the bills and take care of you financially.Best Venus matches: Capricorn, Virgo.Worst Venus matches: Leo, Aquarius.Best Venus matches: Libra, Aquarius.Worst Venus matches: Virgo, Pisces.Best Venus matches: Pisces, Scorpio.More items •Jan 19, 2018

What your Venus says about you?

Because Venus is about value, it governs our relationship to money, aesthetics, and what we find luxurious. But perhaps more notoriously, our Venus signs tell us about our style of loving and romancing — how we flirt, show affection, experience sensual pleasure, fall in love, derive value from relationships, and more.

What Mercury signs are compatible?

You are the most compatible with people with Mercury in fire (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo) because their wavelength matches yours.

Which is better sextile or trine?

If theyre 60° apart, its a sextile. Planets that are 90° apart form a square, and 120° apart form a trine. The easy aspects (sometimes known as soft aspects) are sextile and trine, and are considered to be gentler, and more positive and auspicious.

What are the most important placements in birth chart?

The chart is made by where the planets were aligned at your specific time of birth. The main three placements within a birth chart are your Sun sign, Moon sign and rising sign, also known as your ascending sign.

How important is Mercury in birth chart?

Mercury is the planet of communication and the mind, and its placement in your natal chart can tell us how you communicate, how you make decisions, and how you process and exchange information. It can also offer insights into your unique sense of humor.

What signs are fire Mercury?

Triplicity rulershipsTriplicityDay RulerNight RulerFire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)SunJupiterEarth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)SaturnMoonAir (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius )SaturnMercuryWater (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)JupiterMars

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