Question: Is it OK to be picky?

It is not a bad thing to be selective and know what you want. A lot of singles are given a hard time for their “pickiness,” but being “picky” isnt necessarily a bad thing.

Is being picky a bad thing?

The good part about being picky is that youve allowed yourself to think of what happiness means to you, and those beautiful, unrealistic romantic notions keep you hopeful, even if you know they wont come true — you know something will.

Is Picky Eating genetic?

While theres no doubt that different people perceive flavors in a variety of ways, these person-to-person discrepancies dont seem to predict whether someone will be a picky eater. “Genes have an influence, but theyre not destiny,” she says.

Is picky eating genetic?

While theres no doubt that different people perceive flavors in a variety of ways, these person-to-person discrepancies dont seem to predict whether someone will be a picky eater. “Genes have an influence, but theyre not destiny,” she says.

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