Question: What do you call a girl that dates a lot of guys?

What do you call someone who dates a lot?

A womanizer is someone who has multiple sexual encounters or relationships with more than one woman on a regular basis. Sometimes, womanizers will lead women on, allowing them to think that they want something serious or are in love with them.

What do you call a woman obsessed with men?

Philogyny comes from philo- (loving) and Greek gynē (woman). The parallel Greek-based terms with respect to men (males) are philandry for fondness towards men and misandry for hatred of men. Parallel terms for humanity generally are philanthropy and misanthropy.

What do you call a relationship of 4?

As the name implies, a quad refers to a relationship with four people. This type of polyamorous relationship often occurs when two polyamorous couples meet and begin dating one person from the other couple. You can also have a full quad, where all four members are romantically or sexually involved with one another.

Can a woman be womanizer?

A womanizer is one who engages in numerous casual sexual affairs with women, while a seductress is a woman who seduces someone, esp. one who entices a man into sexual activity (NOAD).

What is a male chauvinist mean?

disapproving. : a belief that men are superior to women.

Can you date more than one person?

Its not uncommon to be attracted to more than one person at the same time. But whether or not you act on those feelings wont only affect you. If you want to date more than one person, make sure that everyone involved understands this and is okay with it. Also, be sure beforehand that you can handle it.

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