Question: Why is the carbon-14 dating not accurate for estimating the age of materials more than 50000 years old?

Its has a half-life of about 5,730 years. The short half-life of carbon-14 means its cannot be used to date extremely old fossils. Levels of carbon-14 become difficult to measure and compare after about 50,000 years (between 8 and 9 half lives; where 1% of the original carbon-14 remains undecayed).

Why is carbon dating not good for material more than 30000 years old?

The group theorizes that large errors in carbon dating result from fluctuations in the amount of carbon 14 in the air. Carbon dating is unreliable for objects older than about 30,000 years, but uranium-thorium dating may be possible for objects up to half a million years old, Dr. Zindler said.

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