Question: How do you find adventurous people?

Who are some extremely adventurous people?

The 18 Most Adventurous People in the World Right NowALEX HONNOLD, Free Solo Rock Climber. JESS ROSKELLEY, Alpinist. JUSTIN FORNAL, Cultural Explorer. IAN WALSH, Big Wave Surfer. FELICITY ASTON, Polar Explorer.

Where can I find outdoorsy people?

How to Find Outdoorsy FriendsAsk your friends. This one is just too easy, but Im going to share it anyways. On the trail. Having you ever noticed how many people are hiking solo on the trail? Meetup groups. 4. Facebook groups. Social apps. Outdoor clubs. Outdoor classes. Events.More items

What do you call an adventurous person?

daring, daredevil, intrepid, venturesome, bold, audacious, fearless, brave, unafraid, unshrinking, undaunted, dauntless, valiant, valorous, heroic, dashing. confident, enterprising. rash, reckless, heedless. informal gutsy, spunky, peppy, pushy. rare adventuresome, venturous.

Who is an adventurous person?

The definition of adventurous is someone who is willing to take chances. A person who will eat anything put on their plate is an adventurous eater. A sky diver is an example of an adventurous person. (of a person) Inclined to adventure; willing to incur risks; prone to embark in hazardous enterprise; rashly daring.

What is an adventurous person?

Someone who is adventurous is willing to take risks and to try new methods. Something that is adventurous involves new things or ideas. Warren was an adventurous businessman. adjective.

What is a frequent Traveller called?

peripatetic Add to list Share. Peri- is the Greek word for around, and peripatetic is an adjective that describes someone who likes to walk or travel around. Peripatetic is also a noun for a person who travels from one place to another or moves around a lot.

What is the word for someone who loves to travel?

Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”

What is adventurous and examples?

The definition of adventurous is someone who is willing to take chances. A person who will eat anything put on their plate is an adventurous eater. A sky diver is an example of an adventurous person. Full of danger; risky.

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