Question: Is dating illegal in India?

Cohabitation in India is legal. It is prevalent mostly among the people living in metro cities in India.

Is making girlfriend illegal in India?

Answers (3) No it is not illegal for two unmarried adults to have sex provided there is consent. Avoid doing so when either of you are under the influence of alcohol and make sure your partner has consented to it willingly.

Is it illegal to date a minor in India?

Any form of sexual relationship between two minors, irrespective of their consent is known as statutory rape, which is unlawful because either parties of such act is below the legal age to get involved sexually, further making them incapable of giving their consent to the said act. Hence, the consent is irrelevant.

Can I live in relationship without divorce in India?

As per Hindu Law a married person cannot have extra marital relationship with any other person except with other spouse. Without obtaining divorce you cannot lead matrimonial life with another woman. It amounts to offence and your wife will file a criminal case against you for bigamy.

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