Question: Do girls like quiet guys?

Many girls like shy and quiet guys and find them very attractive. Quiet guys dont hog the conversation. Quiet guys also dont tend to put pressure on a girl to do or be something that doesnt feel right to her. Quiet guys dont usually talk about themselves all the time like other guys often do.

Are quiet guys attractive?

Quiet guys are attractive, just as outgoing ones are. They each have their own special appeal, and in fact the “strong silent type” is a well-known attractive male archetype. Being calm is certainly attractive, whether quiet or outgoing!

Why quiet men are more attractive?

This is one of the sexiest traits present in a silent man. They are in flow with subtle chemistry nuances, and their quietness places them in close touch with their body as well as her body. Their slightest glance is enough to melt their women, and this makes them even more attractive than they already are.

Will shy guys avoid you?

Shy guys will avoid talking to you if they like you and have a hard time believing that anyone would like them. This is why its so hard to understand them. If a shy guy gets the hint (whatever that may be) that youre onto him, he will avoid you. They cant believe that someone likes them or will date them.

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