Question: Is it weird if my boyfriend has the same name as my brother?

“Its OK to feel a little weird dating someone with the same name as one of your siblings,” she explains. While its totally normal if it skeeves you out, Dr. Edelman also noted that its a pretty common conundrum, so you shouldnt let it concern you too much.

Is it weird to date someone with the same name?

Dont think too hard about it. Dating someone with the same name as you isnt that serious. It really isnt as big deal as you may make it to be. Try to have a sense of humor about it.

Is it weird to date someone with the same name as your mum?

Its the same way you probably associate the name of a close friend or an ex with that particular person and their role in your life. “It isnt unusual for people to be in relationships with a person with a similar name to a family member,” Edelman explains.

Are siblings allowed to have the same name?

Depending on the culture, it can be very common for siblings to have the same given name. In some cultures all male or female children in a family may be given the same first name but a different second name, and may be known by one or the other at different times in their lives.

Can I marry a girl with same surname?

A:There is no contraindication for marriage within the same surname. What is more important is the relationship between the two families and the history of any genetic disorder in the families.

What do you call a girl with the same name as her mom?

The term junior is correctly used only if a child is given exactly the same name as his or her parent

Who has kids with all the same name?

All five of his sons share the same name, George Edward Foreman — something the boxer said he did to unite the men together. “I named all my sons George Edward Foreman so they would always have something in common,” Foreman wrote on his website. “I say to them, If one of us goes up, then we all go up together.

Can you give all your children the same name?

But while it doesnt matter if cousins have the same name, it is bizarre to give more than one of your own children the same name. You can honor your own family name by making Adam your sons middle name. You could even flip your fathers first and middle names for your own son.

Why do Asians have same last name?

Place of origin: In ancient times, some people took the name of the region or state they were in as a last name, as a showing of collective national identity. 3. Occupation: Some of the oldest Chinese names originated from occupation or noble titles. Wang (which literally means king) falls into this category.

Is it weird to have the same birthday as your boyfriend?

Its certainly a rarity. Statistically speaking, with 365 days in a year, theres a . 27 percent chance of any two people sharing the same calendar date as birthdays. And those odds mean that its possible – improbable but not impossible – for those two people to have a connection and marry.

Do mothers name their daughters after themselves?

Women are less likely to name their daughters after themselves—but these three moms are changing that baby name tradition. These moms turn that tradition on its head.

Is it weird to name your kid after you?

Every mom wants to raise their child to have great self-esteem. By naming your child after yourself, they will see that you have a strong sense of self-worth and (hopefully) it will encourage them to feel the same.

Why do parents name their children the same name?

You will often see the same names used over and over again in families. While certain names are popular in different areas in different times in history, the repetition could represent a pattern. Many cultures believe in honoring their elders and do so by naming children after them.

Who has a child named Birdie?

Brie Bella, Jessica Simpson, and Busy Phillips all have daughters named Birdie, although Busys came first. (Her daughter is now 12.)

Can a father and son have same name?

However, anyone with the same name as their dad will probably be called Junior, Little(name), or some diminutive version of their dads name, whatever their official name status. That would likely happen even if you have a different surname, say if you were named for a maternal grandfather.

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