Question: Can you date in Jordan?

That being said, Jordan is one of the most progressive Middle Eastern countries in this area. Homosexual couples traveling in Jordan will be okay, as long as they simply act like good friends while in public, and make sure to stay in Western-style hotels.

Can u drink in Jordan?

Jordan is a conservative society. You should dress modestly and behave courteously. Its illegal to drink alcohol on the street but permissible in bars, clubs, hotels and private homes. There are strict alcohol limits for drivers, similar to those of the UK.

How do you say hello in Jordan?

It is to say, however, that foreign tourists can get around Jordan without the need to be fluent in Arabic .The most common basic Arabic phrases used in Jordan.EnglishArabicHelloSalam – MarhabaWhat is your name?Sho Ismak? (m) Sho Ismek? (f)My name is …Ismi …14 more rows

How do you say love in Jordan?

1:1110:03How to say I love you in Arabic | Levantine Jordanian - YouTubeYouTube

How do you greet people in Jordan?

When greeting someone, stand up and greet them with the phrase “Assalamu-alaikum” (Peace be upon you). Reach out for a handshake only if the person you are greeting is of the same gender; conservative Muslims might not want to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.

How strict is Jordan?

Jordan is a conservative society. You should dress modestly and behave courteously. Its illegal to drink alcohol on the street but permissible in bars, clubs, hotels and private homes. There are strict alcohol limits for drivers, similar to those of the UK.

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