Question: Can I sell old ivory jewelry?

As of the 2016 National Strategy on Wildlife Trafficking law, it is illegal to sell ivory although there are some exceptions to the law. Items must contain no more than 200 grams of ivory. Items that are at least 100 years old are exempt, but you must be able to provide proof of age.

How much is a piece of ivory worth?

Thai Customs recently evaluated smuggled ivory as being worth $1,800 per kilogram—$18,000 per elephant—wholesale. The “street value” retail price of 10 kilograms of carved ivory now runs about $60,000.

It is now illegal to sell or have the intent to sell ANY IVORY within the State of California or to sell it to any bidders within the State of California REGARDLESS OF THE AGE of the ivory.

Is there a market for old ivory jewelry?

It remains legal to sell antique ivory within states, other than in California, New York, New Jersey, or Hawaii, which have passed state bans on the ivory trade. Other states have legislation pending. That means a market still exists for some ivory sellers. Owners may also offer to donate their ivory to a museum.

Can ivory be sold in the US?

Under Federal law, you can sell your African elephant ivory within your state (intrastate commerce) if you can demonstrate that your ivory was lawfully imported prior to the date that the African elephant was listed in CITES Appendix I (January 18, 1990). Some states have laws prohibiting or restricting sale of ivory.

How can I tell if I have real ivory?

Though authentic ivory is made from elephant tusks, people imitate with bone or even plastic, which can be weighted to feel like ivory. You can usually tell if the piece is a fake made of bone by observing the tunnels in the bones – authentic ivory will have no striations.

Can I sell antique ivory on eBay?

For example, eBay does not allow the sale of any ivory items. There are some platforms that will allow for sale but have strict regulations and requirements for documentation.

Does real ivory turn yellow?

Ivory, bone, and antler should be kept away from bright light such as spotlights or direct sunlight. Bright light can increase the surface temperature of the object. When exposed to light, ivory can become stained or bleached, and ultraviolet light can cause it to yellow.

How can you tell real ivory jewelry?

Though authentic ivory is made from elephant tusks, people imitate with bone or even plastic, which can be weighted to feel like ivory. You can usually tell if the piece is a fake made of bone by observing the tunnels in the bones – authentic ivory will have no striations.

Does old ivory crack?

Natural original patinas on genuine ivory can fade completely away in bright sunlight. The surface can fade so much that Schreger Lines and grain become almost invisible. Large pieces of old ivory commonly form cracks over the years. Some persons incorrectly use cracks as a sign of age or proof that a piece is ivory.

How old does ivory have to be to sell it?

You can buy or sell items containing ivory if they were made before 1947 and contain less than 10pc of the material by volume. If an ivory item is a portrait miniature at least 100 years old, or is particularly rare or culturally important, it is also exempt.

How can you tell how old ivory is?

While both ivory and bone can age with a yellowish tint, bone may also turn a slight brown, red, white, or green. If your piece has an aged yellow tint, this may indicate that it is ivory or bone. Some faux ivory or bone pieces are manufactured with a yellowish tint in order to appear authentic.

What can I do with old ivory?

Under Federal law, you can sell your Asian elephant ivory within your state (intrastate commerce) if you can demonstrate that your ivory was lawfully imported prior to the date that the Asian elephant was listed in CITES Appendix I (July 1, 1975).

How can you tell real ivory from fake ivory?

Though authentic ivory is made from elephant tusks, people imitate with bone or even plastic, which can be weighted to feel like ivory. You can usually tell if the piece is a fake made of bone by observing the tunnels in the bones – authentic ivory will have no striations.

Can you sell ivory jewelry on eBay?

If you are interested in selling your ivory via a website, such as selling ivory on eBay, you must follow the same rules as in-person sales. For example, eBay does not allow the sale of any ivory items. There are some platforms that will allow for sale but have strict regulations and requirements for documentation.

How can you tell real ivory from bone?

How to Tell Ivory From BoneHold the suspected item under a magnifying glass in a brightly lit area. If an item is made of ivory, you will be able to see lines, or a grain. If the item does not appear to have grain, check for tiny black dots or small dark colored holes. Check the color.More items

Can I sell old ivory on eBay?

Selling Ivory Online For example, eBay does not allow the sale of any ivory items. There are some platforms that will allow for sale but have strict regulations and requirements for documentation.

How much is a real ivory tusk worth?

A single male elephants two tusks can weigh more than 250 pounds, with a pound of ivory fetching as much as $1,500 on the black market.

How can you tell real ivory tusk?

Though authentic ivory is made from elephant tusks, people imitate with bone or even plastic, which can be weighted to feel like ivory. You can usually tell if the piece is a fake made of bone by observing the tunnels in the bones – authentic ivory will have no striations.

What makes ivory so valuable?

Q: What makes ivory so precious? It has no intrinsic value, but its cultural uses make ivory highly prized. In Africa, it has been a status symbol for millennia because it comes from elephants, a highly respected animal, and because it is fairly easy to carve into works of art.

Is ivory worth more than gold?

Newfound wealth in countries like China, Vietnam and Thailand is fueling demand for luxury items including rhino horns and ivory, causing prices to skyrocket. Now, pound for pound, the dense white stuff is worth more than gold.

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