Question: Can u love someone after 3 months?

A majority of couples—an impressive 55%—said “I love you” within the first three months of dating. Specifically, a quarter said it within the first one to two months, followed by the 20% who said they did it after two or three months. Another 20% said at least five months had gone by before they confessed their love.

Can you love someone after a few months?

Two months. But it depends on the person and the state of the relationship, and knowing when youre really in love, or whether youre just in need. If you dont feel you love someone after one or two months, you may never love them. I was scared to tell a much younger person I loved them; I wasnt sure they were ready.

Is 3 months long enough to say I love you?

The question of when to say “I love you” in a relationship is a contentious one. In the many conversations Ive had on the topic, the consensus seems to be that three months in is the sweet spot. But that feels like a lifetime to me. In all my serious relationships, the L-word was dropped closer to three weeks.

Why do guys say I love you so fast?

He might be infatuated by your beauty or maybe think that he loves you simply because you have a lot of things in common. What you should keep in mind is the fact that the men who quickly fall in love are also more likely to fall out of love quickly. Weigh the situation and see whether the guy is serious or not.

How do you tell if he is serious about you?

10 Clear Signs A Man Is Serious About YouHe makes the effort to see you. He makes you feel considered. Youve met his friends/ family. He makes plans with you. Hes seen the real you – and is still here. He apologizes when he needs to. Hes willing to compromise. Hes committed to you.More items •Apr 2, 2021

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