Question: What do Filipino value the most?

What makes Filipino value unique and meaningful?

Hiya, pakikisama, utang na loob & respect to others make a Filipino an individual with unique moral obligation to treat one another resulting to community ties. These values make Filipinos friendly, hospitable, polite & loyal. In brief, the Filipino core values influence how they behave in any situation.

What makes you a good Filipino?

filipino are so loving and caring .. friendly .. try to have some friends to filipino people, they are so nice and good friends,if you try to make friends with them and you have any idea of what they are,who they are as a filipino..

What are the weaknesses of the Filipino character?

The weaknesses of the Filipino character as cited in the Report are as follows:Extreme family centeredness. Extreme personalism. Lack of discipline. Passivity and lack of initiative. Colonial Mentality. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka mentality. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection. Emphasis on porma rather than substance.

What are the strengths of the Philippines?

The Filipino workforce is one of the most compelling advantages the Philippines has over any other Asian country. With higher education priority, the literacy rate in the country is 94.6% - among the highest. English is taught in all schools, making the Philippines the worlds third largest English-speaking country.

What factors contributing to Filipino?

The strengths and weaknesses of the Filipino have their roots in many factors such as: (1) the home environment, (2) the social environment, (3) culture and language, (4) history, (5) the educational system, (6) religion, (7) the economic environment, (8) the political environment, (9) mass media, and (10) leadership

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