Question: What advice can I give to my friend?

What is the best advice you can give?

The Best Advice You Can GivePeople Want You to Listen, Not to Talk.Dont spam people with your words of wisdom.Dont Think or Judge. Just Listen.If Someone Asks You for Advice:Understand expectations. Clarify what they want from you. Listen first. Ask questions. Help frame the problem.More items •29 Nov 2018

What kind of advice can I give to my friend?

5 tips for giving advice to your friendsBe an active listener. Ask your friend to explain her problems and listen with the intent of hearing her out rather than planning what youre going to say. Believe in your friend. Ask caring questions. Advise within your limits. Help create a plan for change.1 Nov 2012

What is a good motto for life?

Other mottos that can remind you of your values: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to others.” “First things first.” “Live and let live.” 6. A motto can calm your mind.“One day at a time.”“Keep calm and carry on.”“This too shall pass.”Just this.”Easy does it.How important is it?Aug 21, 2015

What is difference between advice and suggestion?

Key Difference: The two words, advice and suggestion are co-related to each other, but an advice acts as a noun which means an opinion recommended or offered, while suggestion also acts as a noun which means an idea or a fact that is put ahead for analysis or consideration.

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