Question: How can I get close to Jesus?

How can I have a closer relationship with Jesus?

Commit to Jesus. Join a good Christian church and become committed. Join a group that you can function in and serve the Lord. Start by listening to or watching sermons and reading books. The sermon by your pastor who will refer to Bible verses that are relevant, will further get you closer to God.

How can I come close to God?

One of the best ways for how to grow closer to God, is to open your Bible every single day. It doesnt matter if you simply read through your Bible, do a Bible study or daily devotionals, spending time in Gods Word is going to draw you closer to the Lord. The Bible is Gods instruction manual.

How can I reach Jesus?

But you have to put Jesus first in your life, and seek a relationship with Him, then you will come to know His voice. You need to be willing to open your heart to the love of Christ. Seek Jesus in prayer. Cry out to Him, he will hear you, and answer you if you mean it!

How can I follow Jesus everyday?

How to Follow Jesus in Everyday Life10 Practical ways to be more like Jesus. How to follow Jesus? Love your enemies. Love your neighbor. Dont judge others. Be humble. Dont worry. Follow the Golden Rule. Worship God whole-heartedly.More items •19 Sep 2019

How can I follow God?

God sees you, He hears you, and He answers your prayers .Following Gods Plan for Your Life:Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following Gods plan for your life is by being in prayer. Be actively reading in the Word. Follow the commands He puts on your heart. Seek a godly community. Obey the Truth.29 Mar 2019

What is Gods purpose for me?

God is God and He works all things, including your life, according to his purposes. Psalm 57:2 says, “I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” This is key in understanding Gods purpose for your life. God has numbered your days and will fulfill every purpose He has for you.

What is the golden rule of Jesus?

In Matthews gospel, Jesus summarises the whole of the Old Testament in a single phrase: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This maxim, known as “the golden rule” of ethics, is sometimes portrayed as an exclusively Christian concept.

What is the golden rule in the Bible?

Golden Rule, precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. . . .” This rule of conduct is a summary of the Christians duty to his neighbour and states a fundamental ethical principle.

What is Jesus favorite flower?

The passion flower is associated with Christ, because several parts of this flower represent different aspects of the crucifixion.

Does God want us to enjoy life?

Yes, God Wants Us to Enjoy Life! God wants us to enjoy people, the fruit of our labor, peace, favor, food and drink, safety, and even wealth and honor. He NEVER states that these things are out of our reach, or that we shouldnt have them.

What does God want us to do with your life?

God wants to give you a purpose. He wants to bestow divine wisdom on you. Its not like God is holding out on you to make you miserable. He desires you to have a joyful, ambitious, purposeful life.

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