Question: What do girls like about guys?

Women are attracted to men who are career-driven, but keep in mind, family-oriented too. They are looking for a man with a sense of direction who knows what he wants and goes after it. He isnt afraid to take risks because he is responsible enough to make sacrifices in order to achieve them.

What do girls like about boys?

Physical Attraction Girls look for guys who are cute and good looking, but its a personal taste as to what matters the most. Girls are much more interested in a warm smile and nice eyes (these may be what a girl looks for in a guy physically), but its whats on the inside that counts.

What girls like the most in a man?

10 of the Most Important Qualities Women Look for in a GuyChemistry. Dont feel bad the next time you turn someone down because the chemistry just isnt there. Vulnerability. Stability. Equality. Awareness. Emotional Presence. Curiosity (About Her!) Protectiveness.More items •17 Aug 2018

What physical things do girls like about guys?

Women prefer a man to be toned, but not brawny and bulked out to the max. They want a solid chest; not man boobs or muscle boobs that rival our own, just chiseled pecs. Big, well-defined biceps dont just signify strength, they also reveal that youre taking good care of your body.

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