Question: Why did Achilles cry?

In book 23 of the Iliad, after Achilles has killed Hector and had his corpse dragged back to the Greek ships, he cries because he is mourning his beloved friend Patroclus, and he sees Hectors death as an act of vengeance.

Who did Achilles weep for?

Just as Achilles does not eat, he does not sleep during his suffering: he cries for Patroclus every night “and sleep, before whom all things bow, could take no hold upon him” (Iliad 24.4–5). True solace does not come until after the reconciliation with Priam.

Why is Achilles so sad?

Not only is Achilles upset because he was fond of Briseis, he is also upset because his pride took a hit in front of all the warriors who saw that Agamemnon got the better of him. This causes him to stop fighting.

Why did Patroclus go to Achilles in tears?

While the fighting goes on around the ship of Protesilaus, Patroclus goes crying to Achilles. He says he is crying for the wounded Greeks, including Diomedes, Odysseus, Agamemnon, and Eurypylus. Achilles tells the men that now is the chance to let loose their pent-up rage against the Trojans.

Why do Priam and Achilles cry in Book 24?

Analysis. Book 24 is a portrait of grief, from anger to compassion. When they weep together, Achilles is mostly crying for his own losses, but he also empathizes with Priams pain, recognizing that his own father will feel the same grief after Achilless fated death.

Was Achilles attractive?

According to Homeros Iliad, Achilles is the most handsome young man in the Greek camp. And he has shiny (reddish) blond hair. “Nireus who was the most beautiful man who came to Troy Of the rest of the Danaans, after Peleus blameless son. But he was weak and a small army followed him.”

What did Achilles say when Patroclus died?

Then said Achilles in his great grief, “I would die here and now, in that I could not save my comrade. Even Hercules, the best beloved of Jove—even he could not escape the hand of death, but fate and Junos fierce anger laid him low, as I too shall lie when I am dead if a like doom awaits me.

Who is most responsible for Patrocluss death?

Who is Responsible for Patroclus death in the Iliad? Although Hector drove the spear home, it can be argued that Zeus, Achilles, or even Patroclus himself, was ultimately responsible for his death. Zeus determined Patroclus would fall to Hector after Patroclus killed his own son on the battlefield.

Who comes to claim the dead body from Achilles in Book 24?

Priam Achilles weeps for his father and for Patroclus. He accepts the ransom and agrees to give the corpse back. That night, Priam sleeps in Achilles tent, but Hermes comes to him in the middle of the night and rouses him, warning him that he must not sleep among the enemy.

Did Achilles look like a girl?

Note that according to Hyginus in his Fabulae, Achilles was called Pyrhha when he was disguised as a woman, because the Greeks called redheads pyrrhos. Hyginus added that, while Achilles was disguised, he was called Pyrrha (Red) because of his reddish yellow hair.

Is Achilles a God?

Achilles father was Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and his mother was Thetis, a sea nymph. Because Achilles was a half-god, he was very strong and soon became a great warrior. However, he was also half human and wasnt immortal like his mother.

Is Patroclus a God?

Patroclus was the son of Menoetius in Greek mythology, and best friend of the hero Achilles. His father was one of the Argonauts, while many different women have been mentioned as Patroclus mother; Polymele, Sthenele, and Periopis.

Why did Patroclus sleep with Deidameia?

Because Lycomedes is old and ailing, Deidameia runs the island, acting as its surrogate ruler. Heartbroken and jealous of Achilless love for Patroclus, Deidameia summons Patroclus to have sex with her, which he does; he notes that she seemed to want something more from him, which he was unable to provide.

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