Question: Which day of the week is date night?

The Wednesday Night Date: According to statistics, its the best night of the week for a date. Who does not want to have a nice break in the week? In the Wednesday night, people have recovered from the weekend and are looking for a nice award for their hard work in the first three days of the week.

Is Friday Considered date night?

The Friday Night Date: Friday night is the second-best date night of the week. People feel festive and ready to go out.

What time of day for a first date?

Midweek (Tuesday through Thursday) Happy Hours. Dinner dates can seem like high-pressure interviews when youre first getting to know someone. For a more casual option, opt for a happy-hour date. Most restaurants and bars have drink specials between 5 and 7 p.m. (although some places start as early as 3 p.m.!)

What time is best for a date?

The best times were Tuesday night and Saturday afternoon, with meetings at those times 30 percent more likely to result in a second date.

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