Question: What are 3 examples of low self-esteem?

What is an example of low self-esteem?

Downplays or ignores their positive qualities. Judges themselves to be inferior to their peers. Uses negative words to describe themselves such as stupid, fat, ugly or unlovable. Has discussions with themselves (this is called self talk) that are always negative, critical and self blaming.

What are 5 things that can lower your self-esteem?

The Five Things That Will Kill Your Self-EsteemNot Acknowledging That You Have Power Over Your Self-Esteem. Trying to Be Perfect. Drowning Yourself With Negative Thoughts. Letting Others Treat Us Badly. Being Awful to Those Around Us.

What are 3 risks of low self-esteem?

Consequences of Low Self-Esteemcreate anxiety, stress, loneliness, and increased likelihood of depression.cause problems with friendships and romantic relationships.seriously impair academic and job performance.lead to increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse.

Is shyness caused by low self-esteem?

Shyness is often linked to low self-esteem. It may also be one of the causes of social anxiety.

How can I develop my self-esteem?

Try these strategies:Use hopeful statements. Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement. Forgive yourself. Avoid should and must statements. Focus on the positive. Consider what youve learned. Relabel upsetting thoughts. Encourage yourself.

What can damage your self-esteem?

Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse may be the most striking and overt causes of low self-esteem. Being forced into a physical and emotional position against your will can make it very hard to like the world, trust yourself or trust others, which profoundly impacts self-esteem.

Can low self-esteem ruin your life?

How does low self-esteem affect us? If you have low self-esteem or confidence, you may hide yourself away from social situations, stop trying new things, and avoid things you find challenging. Living with low self-esteem can harm your mental health and lead to problems such as depression and anxiety.

What are the 3 types of self esteem?

This study investigated the relation between three types of self-esteem and subjective well-being (SWB). The three types of self-esteem are sense of superiority, others approval, and uniqueness.

How do you cure low self esteem?

Try these strategies:Use hopeful statements. Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement. Forgive yourself. Avoid should and must statements. Focus on the positive. Consider what youve learned. Relabel upsetting thoughts. Encourage yourself.

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