Question: What do you need to know about a HSP?

What a HSP needs?

HSPs, therefore, need a lot of empathy and understanding, as well as space to express their much stronger emotions. According to Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist dealing with highly sensitive issues, such people tend to cry more than others and are unable to express what they feel.

What to do if you are an HSP?

THE BASICS1) Get enough sleep.2) Eat healthy foods regularly throughout the day.3) Wear noise-reducing headphones.4) Plan for decompression time.5) Have at least one quiet room or space to retreat to in your home.6) Give yourself time and space to get things done.7) Limit caffeine.8) Keep the lights down low.More items •May 21, 2011

Are HSP clingy?

Lets clarify a few things about HSPs so we can see them with fresh eyes. Highly sensitive people are not the same as emotionally needy, whiny, complainers. Victims are focused on themselves, while HSPs are often focused on others. Whiners want all the attention, but HSPs dont.

What an HSP needs to be happy?

HSPs tend to have high levels of empathy, and this is just one of the ways our caring for others shows up. Unfortunately, this means sensitive people often hide their needs and just “go along to get along.” They need a healthy way of dealing with disagreements that doesnt involve yelling or drama.

Should I apologize for being too sensitive?

Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. Its a sign that you have a big heart, and that you arent afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength. Highly sensitive people tend to get their feelings hurt easily.

Are HSPs lazy?

Needing extra sleep and self-care. Processing stimulation deeply gets exhausting. Thats why HSPs tend to need extra sleep, downtime, and self-care. Again, its not laziness or selfishness.

Is it my fault for being sensitive?

Being sensitive is not a fault, and rationality and sensitivity can coexist.

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