Question: Is balding a turn off?

No its not a turn off, but if you are balding I suggest you keep your hair very very short. Dont hold on to your thinning hairline, find a look that suits you, the options are endless.

Is going bald a death sentence?

Male pattern baldness is not a death sentence, cancer, profound disability, etc.

Is balding becoming more common?

Men have been making the gradual transition from hirsute to hairless for centuries - Hippocratess cure for baldness reputedly comprised pigeon droppings, horseradish, cumin and nettles - but recent studies suggest that hair loss in men aged between 21 and 30 is now more common than ever.

Which race has most baldness?

There are racial differences, however, in the incidence of male pattern baldness. The highest rates are found among Caucasians, followed by Afro-Caribbeans. Chinese and Japanese men have the lowest rates. For some unknown reason, this form of hair loss is does not occur among Native Americans.

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