Question: What do you call a girl who sleeps with a married man?

Adulterer (or adulteress) can be used for anyone who has a sexual relationship with a person who is married to another, but again does not always imply the specific social situational that mistress does.

What type of woman sleeps with a married man?

There is a certain kind of woman who tends to sleep with married men. Sometimes called a backdoor girl, she is usually self-sufficient and lives alone, two qualities that make her appealing to husbands looking for some action on the side. Dana Pearl, a 31-year-old television producer, is one of these women.

What do you call a woman who cant keep a husband?

In the United States, spinster is the legal term used to refer to a woman who has never married, just as the male counterpart of bachelor refers to a man who has never married. Once men and women are married, they can never revert to the state of never married. These legal terms bear no other connotations.

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