Question: Do Mormons believe in God?

Mormons believe that God is present in the temple space. This makes it a sacred place set aside to learn things that allow individuals to progress toward becoming like God -- the temple ordinances, especially celestial marriage, make eternal progression toward Godhood possible.

Who is God in the Mormon religion?

God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost constitute the Godhead or Trinity for Mormons. Latter-day Saints believe God is embodied, though His body is perfect and glorified.

How is Mormon different from Christianity?

Mormon doctrine differs from orthodox Christian views with respect to salvation. Protestant Christians believe in “Faith Alone” for salvation and criticise the LDS for a belief in salvation through good works. Mormons, however, feel that they are misunderstood.

Do Mormons use the Bible?

Mormons use the Book of Mormon alongside the Bible in teaching and study. They believe that the Book of Mormon tells the story of Gods dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the American Continent, including a visit by the risen Jesus to the people of the New World.

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