Question: What questions do they ask on match com?

What questions should I ask on match?

12 Questions To Ask Your Match Before You Meet In PersonDo you wear a mask? Whats the best advice anyone has ever given you? What is your biggest pet peeve in a partner? Do you make your bed in the morning? What are you a snob about? What could you spend the whole day talking about?More items •8 Jul 2020

What is a matching question?

Matching questions provide a list of sub-questions along with a list of answers. The respondent must match the correct answers with each question.

How do you prepare a matching question?

Constructing Matching QuestionsDirections should provide a clear basis for matching.Include 4 to 10 items in each list.Include approximately 3 extra items from which responses are chosen. Shuffle the order of the items in each column.Use brief phrases and as few words as possible in each list.More items

What are true or false questions?

A true or false question consists of a statement that requires a true or false response. Effective true or false eLearning questions are factual based, rather than opinion-oriented, and are designed to quickly and efficiently test learner knowledge about a particular idea or concept.

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