Question: How do you know if my baby is still alive inside me?

Symptoms are things you feel yourself that others cant see, like having a sore throat or feeling dizzy. The most common symptom of stillbirth is when you stop feeling your baby moving and kicking. Others include cramps, pain or bleeding from the vagina.

Can my baby died in my womb without me knowing?

Pregnancy losses do not always involve bleeding. In fact, a woman may not experience any symptoms and only learn of the loss only when a doctor cannot detect a heartbeat during a routine ultrasound.

How do you know if you are still pregnant?

The most conclusive way of finding out is to have an ultrasound done by your doctor or midwife to see babys heartbeat. I say most conclusive, because even with an ultrasound, if you are early in your pregnancy, it can be difficult to see or detect a heartbeat with 100% accuracy.

Can a stillborn baby come back to life?

Most babies born unexpectedly without a heartbeat can be successfully resuscitated in the delivery room. Of those successfully resuscitated, 48% survive with normal outcome or mild-moderate disability.

How do they remove a dead baby from the womb?

Surgical abortion involves dilating the opening to the uterus (cervix) and placing a small suction tube into the uterus. Suction is used to remove the fetus and related pregnancy material from the uterus. Before the procedure, you may have the following tests: A urine test checks if you are pregnant.

What does the hospital do with stillborn babies?

Depending on where your baby was born, you will usually have several options: you can take your baby home to be buried. the hospital may offer communal cremations. a hospital-arranged funeral service where your baby can either be buried or cremated.

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