Question: How do I get my info off MyLife?

Call MyLife customer support at 1-888-704-1900 and tell them that youd like to delete your profile(s).

How do I remove my personal information from MyLife com?

The fastest way to remove your information from MyLife is to directly go to their opt-out page and paste the URL of your listing. Alternatively, you can contact MyLife customer care at 888-704-1900 and tell them that youd like to delete your profile.

Is MyLife com legit? is a scam that begins with a false solicitation telling potential victims that someone is searching for them, and they can find out who by paying a small fee, the suit said. It added that users do not realize they are signing up for long-term subscriptions.

Is it bad to look up your name?

His tip: Set a Google alert for your name, which will deliver new results to your email inbox. Searching alone will do no harm, but extra clicks on negative results may indicate to Google that the world is more interested in those results than everything else that is positive and truthful about you, says Matta.

Why you shouldnt look yourself up on Google?

Its important to remember that the rankings you see are NOT the rankings seen by everyone else. Your search results are tailored to you. As a result, googling yourself doesnt give you the big picture. It just gives you an (often misleading) indicator of your performance based on narrow criteria.

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