Question: How many wives can you have in Sierra Leone?

Polygamy is prohibited under Sierra Leones penal code. Polygamy is authorized in customary marriages (under customary laws, the indigenous law of the various ethnic groups of Africa), where a man can take as many wives as he wishes.

How many wives can a Maasai have?

Girls belonging to the first group are allowed to have sexual relationships with young morans, as a matter of fact, each girl can have up to three lovers, one of them will be chosen as a favourite, whereas the other two will take his place when he is outside the village or unavailable.

Is bigamy a crime in Kenya?

According to the Marriage Act, Section 35, 49, and 50, polygamy is illegal. On the other hand, section 171 of the penal code states that bigamy is an offence.

What age do Maasai girls marry?

The findings revealed that child marriage is still practiced in the Maasai community where the legible age for marriage of Maasai girls range from 6 to 15 years depending on the number of competing men and the economic status of the family of the boy or girl.

Are the Maasai healthy?

The surprising results of the field study show that the Maasai are in a good health status in spite of a limited diet. Blood tests showed that there is a high content of healthy omega-3 fatty acids in their erythrocyte membranes, the cell walls of the red blood cells, even though these acids are not ingested.

2014 polygamy legalisation In March 2014, Kenyas Parliament passed a bill allowing men to marry multiple wives. Polygamy is common among traditional communities in Kenya, as well as among the countrys Muslim community.

What is my bride price?

Bride price, bridewealth, or bride token, is money, property, or other form of wealth paid by a groom or his family to the woman or the family of the woman he will be married to or is just about to marry.

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